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RxStream gives pharmacies a way to fight back against Drug Discount Cards
BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. – InteliSys Health announced RxStream Dynamic Pricing, a groundbreaking, patent-pending technology that dynamically analyzes, reprices and adjudicates pharmacy claims from drug discount card programs, SuperBin’s, and Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) or carrier claims in real-time, increasing pharmacy margins and consumer savings.

Could the cost of prescription drugs go up during COVID-19?
After an eventful 2019, it’s fair to say the drug pricing debate has taken a backseat in 2020 as the health industry has collectively focused its efforts to overcome a devastating pandemic.

Tech Can Solve A Stubborn Problem: Medication Adherence
Despite the healthcare ecosystem’s push for transparency, there remains a shroud of secrecy around one ubiquitous healthcare treatment tool: prescription drugs. No one — not doctors, not insurers and certainly not patients — know what they really cost.

PBMs: Maligned as Middlemen, They’re Hearing Wedding Bells
The industry has been criticized for lack of transparency—and worse. Some see ‘a ton of sense’ in the proposed mergers with insurers and retailers. Others see a risk of even higher drug prices and a need for oversight.

Drug Pricing Transparency: Can Health IT Lower Drug Pricing for Patients?
Certain practices of pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) have helped jack up drug prices to the point where many people can no longer afford their medications.

Insurance Consolidation May Soon Include Hospitals, Create Powerhouses
Recent moves to consolidate insurance customers under one corporate structure could lead next to carriers acquiring hospital networks.

Trump forcing insurers to pass rebates to consumers won’t lower drug prices
President Trump’s recent speech about lowering drug price has been both lauded as long-overdue and derided as an overly-broad policy blueprint that lacks real action steps.

Trump’s Blueprint on Drug Price Reform Arrives; Hospitals’ Use of 340B Program Comes Under Scrutiny
The Trump administration unveiled on Friday what it had termed a bold blueprint to address ever-rising drug prices in the United States, but it was mostly a collection of modest, pro-pharmaceutical industry proposals that would nibble at the margins of the issue and likely put more fiscal pressure on hospitals.

HIT Think How e-prescribing could help lower patients’ drug prices
Prescription drug prices are higher than they should be for many patients because of certain practices of pharmacy benefit managers.

EHR CTO to EHR developers: now is the time for drug price transparency
The public debate about high drug prices has failed to address an inconvenient truth: There are huge variations in drug pricing from one pharmacy to another within the same geographical area.

The Crazy Way Drugs are Priced and What Can Be Done About It
Pharmaceutical companies are generally blamed for America’s high prescription drug prices, but they aren’t the first place to look.

Cigna to buy Express Scripts in $67 billion deal
Supply chain experts are skeptical the $67 billion Cigna Corp.-Express Scripts deal will do much to transform the healthcare industry, let alone deliver any significant savings to customers.

Cigna’s plan to buy Express Scripts is no boon to drug purchasers
Cigna unveiled plans this week to acquire pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts, accelerating the trend toward healthcare supply-chain consolidation.

Memo to EHR vendors from an EHR CTO: It’s time for true drug price transparency
EHR vendors face a tough challenge in deciding which new features to develop and integrate for their next release and which ones to leave on the cutting room floor.

HIStalk Interviews Tom Borzilleri, CEO, InteliSys Health
Tell me about yourself and the company: I spent many years in the finance business. My first dive into the healthcare space was back in the late 1990s, having founded and operated the second-largest patient finance company in the country. As I progressed on through the years and had a successful exit of that company, I then moved into the PBM space in the mid-2000s.

Readers Write: It’s Time for Drug Price Transparency
EHR vendors face a tough challenge in deciding which new features to develop and integrate for their next release and which ones to leave on the cutting room floor. The benefits of each potential enhancement must be weighed against the costs, usually measured in programming time. Moreover, features required for Meaningful Use and MIPS must be included, making the triage even more difficult.

Pricing Front and Center
Pharmaceutical pricing is a complex — and often controversial — issue impacting all stakeholders in healthcare.

The CVS Health-Aetna deal: Are patients winners or losers? How will Amazon and Google react? 8 key questions answered
CVS Health announced plans to acquire Aetna earlier this week for $69 billion, and leaders across healthcare are examining what the deal could mean for the industry going forward.

Does Amazon Have What It Takes to Transform the Pharma Industry?
From basics like toilet paper to luxuries such as flatscreen TVs, Amazon can deliver just about anything to a doorstep these days—so, what about prescription drugs? That’s the question the company seems to be currently asking itself and is expected to announce its answer soon.

Jury is Out on Possible Effects of CVS/Aetna Merger-Could result in fewer choices for Aetna enrollees, observers say
If the proposed $69-billion purchase of health insurer Aetna by CVS — a pharmacy chain that is also a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) — is approved, it may be good news for the companies involved, but its potential effects on patients and providers are not so clear, experts say.

Jeff Bezos, America’s patients need you to disrupt the drug industry
Dear Jeff Bezos – Recent rumors that Amazon is considering entering the prescription drug business have that multi-billion-dollar industry quaking in its collective boots. And for good reason: Amazon has a reputation for exposing and driving down prices for the good of consumers.

CVS-Aetna Merger: Great for Shareholders and Catastrophic for Consumers
The rumored $66 billion merger of retail pharmacy CVS and health insurer Aetna holds strong potential to inflict financial pain on American patients by artificially inflating prescription drug prices while reducing transparency and competition.

Integrated PBM model could pose a threat to hospitals
High-cost hospitals could end up holding the short end of the stick if new integrated pharmacy benefit models take hold.

How Technology Could Aid Amazon’s Prescription Drug Play
Amazon’s plans to enter the healthcare market may not be ready for prime time, but it is high time for the healthcare industry to take Amazon’s threat seriously.

CVS Move on Aetna Likely Driven by Lucrative Pharmacy Benefit Management
The pharmacy giant could be trying to move beyond contract-for-services by acquiring a health plan with a huge customer base. Regulators may be wary of the deal reducing options for Aetna members.

Consumer benefit: The secret to getting an Aetna/CVS deal past regulators
After failed merger with Humana, Aetna would need to convince feds that the merger is more than two industry behemoths coming together.

Anthem’s new PBM to spark change throughout the industry
Anthem’s creation of its own pharmacy benefit management company could drive change throughout the industry as health plans and PBMs aim to maintain their competitive edge, experts said.

Amazon, Anthem, Congress Put Drug Benefits Firms in Hot Spot
Health insurance giant Anthem Inc. moved to sever ties with pharmacy-benefits manager Express Scripts Holding Co. on Wednesday, opting instead to build its own such business in collaboration with CVS Health Corp. as it looks to contain its spiraling drug costs.

Why We Need To Buy Medicine The Way We Buy Gas
Quick quiz: Where is the cheapest gas in your neighborhood? Like most Americans, I can easily come up with an answer – it’s an independently owned station about a mile away where the price drops 10 cents a gallon after 9 p.m.

Top Solutions To Lower Drug Prices
When two pharmacy benefits managers (PBMs)—Express Scripts and CVS Health—recently launched direct-to-consumer, drug discount cards, the pharmacy industry might have wondered if these pharmacy middlemen were trying out a new role.

5 companies that want to take the time suck out of prior authorization requests
The prior authorization process is a frequent, time-consuming process for physicians. A survey of 1,000 physicians revealed they made prior authorization requests 37 times per week on average, according to data from the American Medical Association.

Fierce Innovation Awards: Healthcare Edition Program Announces Finalists, InteliSys Health Recognized
SAN DIEGO—July 25, 2017—InteliSyS Health™, pioneer of the first real-time prescription transparency platform, announced today that is has been selected as a finalist in this year’s Fierce Innovation Awards: Healthcare Edition 2017, an awards program from the publisher of FierceHealthcare. InteliSys Health was recognized as a finalist in the category of Clinical Information Management.

Allscripts veteran joins InteliSys Health to advance drug price decision support tools
One aspect of the digital health boom has been the development of tools providing greater transparency for the diverse cost of medical procedures to employers and consumers.

ICER, VA join to work on drug value, price negotiations
The Institute for Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) will work with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Pharmacy Benefits Management Services office (PBM) to facilitate their integration of ICER reports into VA’s formulary management process of evaluating the comparative clinical effectiveness and value of drugs.

Former Allscripts Chief Innovation Officer Stanley Crane Joins InteliSys Health as CTO
SAN DIEGO—July 11, 2017—InteliSyS Health™, pioneer of the first real-time prescription transparency platform, announced that former Allscripts Chief Technology Officer and Chief Innovation Officer Stanley Crane has joined the executive team as CTO. Crane will guide development of InteliSys’ breakthrough point-of-care drug pricing and medication adherence tools, as well as spearhead new products in additional markets.

InteliScript Re-Christened InteliSys Health, Reflecting Strategic Focus on Drug Price Transparency and Medication Adherence
June 20, 2017. InteliScript, pioneer of the first real-time prescription transparency platform, today announced that it has changed its name to InteliSys Health™. The change reflects the company’s strategic expansion beyond prescribing-focused solutions to a cloud-based platform.

Technology Can Lift the Veil of Secrecy on Drug Prices
The recent story about the rift over prescription drug prices between insurer Anthem and its pharmacy benefits manager Express Scripts should anger — and frankly, befuddle — any physician or electronic health record (EHR) vendor. Providers and IT vendors should be fed up with payers and patients getting ripped off by inflated drug prices, taking a disproportionate share of the healthcare dollar.

6 health IT leaders: Key thoughts on AHCA
The House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act earlier this year; the Senate is currently working on its version.

A Secret Profit Formula Loved by Drug Middlemen Is at Risk
Critics have said for years that pharmacy benefit managers’ business practices are so opaque that employers and insurers who hire them can’t know whether the powerful middlemen are saving them money or driving up costs.

Anthem’s breakup with Express Scripts to prompt greater PBM scrutiny
Anthem’s decision to cut ties with its long-time pharmacy benefit manager Express Scripts, saying it withheld billions in cost savings, is bound to turn up the heat on PBMs over the soaring cost of prescription drugs.

InteliScript’s Market Disruptive Technology Built to Save Patients-Carriers-Payors Billions of Dollars Annually
InteliScript, LLC, a world class healthcare technology and software development company today announced the formal integration and deployment launch of its “real-time” and market disruptive “Point-of-Care/Price Compare” software platform, across multiple top-10 electronic medical and health record systems nationally reaching hundreds of thousands of healthcare providers, hospitals and clinics.